Academic Services

The Office of Academic Skills provides Peer Tutoring in 3-ways; one-on- one sessions, 课程指导小组会议和成功研讨会小组会议.


Peer Tutoring

We currently offer tutoring in:

  • Biology
  • Biochem
  • Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Environmental Studies
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

如果您想在目前没有提供的课程中要求辅导,请 contact the OAS. 办公室将尽力满足这些要求. If one 我们目前的导师是不能辅导一门课程的,所以我们不能提供一名导师 由于我们的招聘和培训要求.

同伴导师是完成课程并至少获得3分的学生.0 and have 专业领域教授的推荐信. Along with great academic 起立,教授推荐和内容知识,所有同伴导师都经过培训 定期发展适当的技能,以帮助寻求导师的学生 in their requested subject area. 

Course Content 辅导:一种个人辅导的形式,由我们的同行导师为学生量身定制 学生在特定课程中的个人学术需求.

学术技能辅导:一种侧重于学习技能的个人辅导形式。 organizing, and time management.


点击下面的链接预约内容导师或查看 tutor schedule. All users need to log in with their WAC login username and password. 新用户需要在查看时间表之前创建一个配置文件进行注册. Please choose the OAS Peer Tutor center from the drop-down menu.

Make an appointment!

  •  一个真正有兴趣帮助其他同学的同学.
  • Respect and professionalism.
  • Tutors are not miracle workers. 没有魔棒能让你得A或成功 了解一切,所以导师当然也不能做到这一点. They will work with 你学习学习技巧和技巧,复习信息来帮助你学习 success.
  • 导师会帮助你走向独立学习.
  •  Come with a plan. 知道你想做什么,如果你能把它包括在你的计划中就更好了 这样他们就可以准备得更充分.
  • Come Prepared. 你应该带着笔记、课本和教学大纲去做家教. Occasionally 导师会要求你带上特定的材料和作业,或者提前准备好 with a list of questions. Take advantage of this. The tutor is asking you do to this 因为他们知道如何最大限度地为你服务. Additionally, it is sometimes 如果你不带这些东西,他们是不可能帮助你的.
  • Arrive on time. 导师有一段特定的等待时间. If you exceed that 时间一到,他们就会离开,你的预约就会被标记为缺席. If you accumulate 3次缺席(在任何辅导中心),您将被锁在WC Online之外,并被联系 by Academic Resource staff for a meeting.
  • Be an active participant. You should expect to be engaged in the session. Your tutor will ask questions and have a dialogue with you. 互动式的辅导是富有成效和有效的.
  • Provide feedback. 如果你不明白什么,或者什么东西不工作,你应该诚实 and let them know. 他们不会评判你,他们的感情也不会受到伤害 way they’re tutoring isn’t working for you. They want to help and need feedback to do that.
  • Respect. Be respectful of your tutors’ time and efforts. They want to help you and work as a tutor because they love helping students. Be respectful of their time by arriving 准时,并坚持整个预约. If you will need to leave 提前计划,并通过电子邮件或预约时让你的导师知道.
每年春季聘用新的导师,开始下一个秋季学期. Tutors must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 and a recommendation from the faculty of the course they wish to tutor. 学生将完成至少一个完整的学期 is eligible to apply.

To apply, complete the application here. 请注意,申请可以在任何时候提交,但只会被审查 during the second half of spring semester.

当你申请时,你需要列出你所修课程的每个院系 applying to tutor. 美洲国家组织将联系他们填写我们的推荐表格. 课程导师必须由所属院系提名,不需要列出教师名单 recommendations.

美洲国家组织将联系符合条件的申请人进行面试. Tutors are not hired 对于每一个学科和导师谁能够在多个领域的指导给予更高 确保你有足够的辅导时间来获得CRLA认证 you are eligible for through out training.