
  • 学生会主席

    The President is the chief executive officer of the SGA. 作为联络人 the student body and the College’s Administration, the President serves as a non-voting representative to the College’s Board of 访问ors and Governors and meets often with the President and Vice Presidents of the College. 此外,总统还担任职务 as the Director of the SGA’s main office located in the Student Center in Hodson Hall. The SGA President supervises all SGA and Chairs the Executive Board (comprised of the elected and appointed executive officers). 

    现任总统: 米兰达·帕里什: (电子邮件保护) 

  • 学生会副主席

    The Vice President, the chief operating officer of the SGA, is elected by the student body. The job of Vice President is to execute the programs of the SGA and facilitate the free flow of communication between the SGA and the 学生, faculty, administration, 以及校外实体. The Vice President supervises the work of the SGA secretaries of 九州娱乐官网, Diversity, Service and 社区关系, Environment, Social Life and the 传媒总监 and Office Management. 总统的高级成员 leadership team, the Vice President plans for the long-term success of the SGA alongside 总裁和财务总监.

    现任副总裁: 布莱斯Widdoss: (电子邮件保护)

  • 财务总监

    Serving as director of the SGA’s financial operations, the 财务总监 maintains the budget of the SGA and meets regularly with student organization leaders about 俱乐部活动和活动的资金. 此外,财务总监 works closely with the President and Senate in establishing an adequate semesterly 预算以满足学生团体的需要. 财务总监负责 SGA 审查委员会 and is a member of the President’s senior leadership team. 

    现任财务总监: 凯尔Wyngaard: (电子邮件保护)  

  • 传媒总监 & 市场营销

    The 传媒总监 and 市场营销 provides clerical support to SGA staff 管理SGA网站和社交媒体. 办公室经理负责 the day to day running of the office, and administrative oversight of the SGA communications 和记录. 

    Current 传媒总监 and 市场营销: 卡洛琳Drupka: (电子邮件保护) 

  • 学术事务局局长

    The 学术事务局局长 is responsible for addressing the on-going academic concerns 以及学生的需求. They are the liaison to the faculty, and academic administrators. 

    现任教务处处长: :扎克蒂普顿 (电子邮件保护)  

  • 多元化,平等部长, & 包容

    The Secretary of Diversity promotes diversity on campus, with the help of other organizations, 通过大量的活动和事件.

    现任多元化部长: 莉莲Elgayer: (电子邮件保护)

  • 环境局局长

    The 环境局局长 collaborates with college faculty and student organization to develop go green initiatives that improve the environment while also benefiting 学生 .  

    现任环境部长: 梅尔·Tuerk: (电子邮件保护) 

  • 公务秘书 & 社区关系

    The 公务秘书 and 社区关系 works with the  leaders on campus and in the community to coordinate service initiatives and provide a voice for 学生. 

    Current 公务秘书 and 社区关系: 艾娃·福斯特: (电子邮件保护) 

  • 学生生活秘书

    The 学生生活秘书 is responsible for addressing student concerns relating 到校园学生服务. They serve as the liaison to Residential Life, Buildings and Grounds, OIT, Dining Services, Public Safety, 健康及谘询服务, 学生参与和其他校园办公室. They are also responsible for SGA coordination with 体育运动 to support athletes and encourage school spirit and attendance at athletic 事件. 

    现任学生生活部长: Kaialana福利特: (电子邮件保护) 


  • 参议院议长

    The 参议院议长 is the presiding officer over the Senate, the SGA’s legislative 分支. Serving as leading voice of the legislature, the 参议院议长 conducts and resides over the weekly meetings of the SGA Senate. 此外,议长还负责任命 the Chairmen of the various Senate Committees and works closely with the other 分支es 政府的. The Speaker also serves as a voting 审查委员会成员.

    现任参议院议长: 莫莉彭宁顿: (电子邮件保护) 


The officers of the respective classes are also members of the Senate, although only 班长可以在委员会中投票. 每个人都可以参加委员会并参与其中 在辩论中. Through these means, they convey the views of their class members.







Representing each of the classes and the off-campus 学生, 参议员 are elected at the beginning of each academic year by their respective constituents. 参议员 are in a position to block or enable legislative action. 除了代表 the interests of their constituents, they are responsible for serving on one or more 参议院各委员会主席.



  • 荣誉委员会主席

    The 荣誉委员会主席 is the presiding officer of the Honor Board, the SGA’s judicial 分支. As a non-voting member, the 荣誉委员会主席 conducts the proceedings of the Honor Board, which addresses student cases concerning social and academic violations 九州娱乐官网荣誉守则. The 荣誉委员会主席 also serves as a voting 审查委员会成员.

    现任荣誉委员会主席: 希瑟Fabritze: (电子邮件保护) 

  • 荣誉委员会成员

    Appointed by the 审查委员会, the student members of the Honor Board hear cases involving 违反荣誉守则. Members not only determine whether a student is responsible for violating the Honor Code but also decide on the respective sanctions.


  • Parliamentarian and Chair of the 审查委员会

    As non-voting Chair of the 审查委员会, the Parliamentarian runs elections, awards, 以及SGA的议会程序. 由总统、众议院议长组成 Senate, 财务总监, Parliamentarian, and 荣誉委员会主席, the Review board advises the President and Vice President on the direction of the SGA and the selection SGA官员. The Parliamentarian also makes himself available at all meetings of SGA bodies to advise on the rules and procedure of the meetings.

    当前的国会议员 & 检讨委员会主席:  猎人弗: (电子邮件保护)