
Recognizing Excellence

的 policy on on awarding 荣誉学位, Awards for Excellence, and 高级研究员 status is outlined below.

A. 目的

To recognize outstanding achievement in letters, science, creative arts, one of the learned professions, business, communications, public or humanitarian service by the award of an 荣誉学位, an Award for Excellence or recognition as a 高级研究员 of 九州娱乐官网, as may be appropriate.

B. 提名规则 & 标准

的 Honors and Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing and considering the qualifications of persons nominated for an 荣誉学位, Award for Excellence, and 高级研究员 status of 九州娱乐官网.

1. 规则

荣誉学位 is awarded to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to academia and 更大的社会.

Award for Excellence is reserved for those whose accomplishments distinguish them in a unique way, deserving 特殊的识别.

被指定为 高级研究员 of 九州娱乐官网 is designed to attract attention to those who have or seem likely to develop lasting ties to the 九州娱乐官网 community, particularly those who 九州娱乐官网 may invite to deliver public lectures and possibly confer informally with students and members of the 教师.

2. 标准

(a) 的 nominee is the creator of some original work of such character as to leave no doubt of the nominee’s learning, attainments, and literary and professional ability; or

(b) In addition to recognition for distinguished ability and learning, the nominee holds an honorable office in an institution of learning of good repute; or

(c) 的 nominee is a person of acknowledged eminence or distinction who has made a worthwhile and noteworthy contribution to society in one or more of the following categories: (1) letters, (2) science, (3) creative arts, (4) one of the learned professions, (5) business, (6) communications, or (7) public or humanitarian service deserving 特殊的识别, and

(d) 的 nominee’s qualifications must always include distinguished service to society together with intellectual and moral qualities that entitle the nominee to rank with others of high culture and principle.

C. 程序

To qualify as a recipient for any one of the honors and awards designated above the nominee must receive the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present at the Board meeting at which the award is proposed for a final vote. 的 Board recognizes the wisdom of restricting, except under unusual circumstances, the number of honors and awards granted in any one college year, preferably to six or fewer 荣誉学位, one Award for Excellence, and one Fellowship.

D. Prohibition on Fees and Honoraria

Under no circumstance shall an 荣誉学位, Award for Excellence, or 高级研究员 recipient receive a speaker fee.

E. Expiration of the Board’s Approval

九州娱乐官网 may award an honorary degree to a candidate within five years of 董事会的批准. After that time, the Board must secure another approval for 这个候选人.


荣誉学位 Recipients

Katie Hood, Doctor of Public Service,毕业典礼

Henry Red Cloud, Doctor of Public Service,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

Sylvia Acevedo, Doctor of Public Service,毕业典礼

布莱恩·K. 公平,维.L.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

Leo Strine, D.L.,毕业典礼

Frederick Douglass, D.L., awarded posthumously,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

Kevin Jeffrey Martin, D.L,毕业典礼

朗尼G. 第三、D类.L.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation


Christine Lagarde, D.L,毕业典礼


约翰一. 小Moag., L.L.D., Washington’s Birthday Convocation

约瑟夫·埃利斯,L.L.D. ,毕业典礼 


伯蒂·埃亨,L.L.D., Washington’s Birthday Convocation

阿布贾比尔,拉乌夫,D.L. 毕业典礼

大卫·米克斯纳,民主党人.P.S. 毕业典礼

亨利M. 小保尔森. L.L.D.,  Inaugural Symposium

詹姆斯·N. 马蒂斯,L.L.D.,  Washington’s Birthday Convocation       


Sir Richard John Dalton, L.L.D.                                    、冬季项目

Frank G. 威斯纳二,L.L.D.、冬季项目

Louis J. D·弗里,.L.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

爱德华G. 伦德尔,D.L. 毕业典礼

Raghavan Seetharaman, D.L. 毕业典礼

James C. Rees IV, D.Letters,毕业典礼


Carla Diane Hayden, D.Letters秋季开学典礼

Nabeel Abboud Ashkar, D.A.秋季开学典礼

Ron Chernow, D.L. 华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

劳伦斯年代. 伊格尔伯格L.L.D.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

Marcia Invernizzi, D.L.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

弗兰克·德福德,D.L. 毕业典礼

山田高隆,m.s.D., D.Sc,毕业典礼

罗伯特·L. 加卢奇说,维.L.秋季开学典礼

南希年代. Grasmick D.P.S.秋季开学典礼


罗伯特W. Duemling L.L.D.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

Louisa Copeland Duemling, D.H.L., 华盛顿的  Birthday Convocation

沃尔特·艾萨克森博士.H.L. 华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

理查德的. 版权所有,.S. 毕业典礼


斯坦利H. 霍耶L.L.D.,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

安德鲁·科胡特,D.L., 华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

冬青H. 清水,D.S.植树节



Mark Bramble, D.A.秋季开学典礼


Tom Paxton, D. Music秋季开学典礼

桦树R. 贝赫,会.D,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation


Gloria Richardson, D.P.S,华盛顿的 Birthday Convocation

B. 弗朗西斯·索尔二世.D.琼斯研讨会 in American Business



大卫·西蒙,D.L. 毕业典礼